Junior High Practice:  

Boys and Girls: 7:00am (M-Th), 7:45am (F)

HS Track Weights:  

Boys and Girls: 7:00am (Mon & Wed)

Monday, Feb. 27:

HS Boys Golf at San Angelo (Bentwood)

Tuesday, Feb. 28:

HS Girls Golf at Nueva Vista

HS Boys Basketball Playoff:

Vs. Van Horn at Fort Stockton HS, 6:30pm

Thursday, Mar. 2:

HS Tennis (JV) at Garden City

JH Track at Iraan

Friday, Mar. 3:

HS Tennis (V) at Garden City

Possible Boys Basketball Regional Tourney

HS Track at Iraan (possible)

Saturday, Mar. 4:

Possible Boys Basketball Regional Tourney

All Events and Practices are subject to change.

Let’s Go Kats!